Feed Your Oral Microbiome
We are always feeding our Microbiome. Whatever we put in our mouths becomes food for our commensal bacteria as well. The question you want to ask yourself with every meal or snack is, “Am I feeding my good Oral Microbiota right now?”
Your New Food Pyramid
Tier 1: Eat the Most of: Herbs, Vegetables and Legumes, Prebiotics
Tier 2: Add 1-2 foods from these groups in your meal: Dairy; Meats, Fish, and Eggs; Fermented foods
Tier 3: Cook and Flavor your meals with: Fats and oils; Nuts, seeds, and spices.
Tier 4: Limit your Intake: Grains and Fruits
It is important to remember that whatever we eat, our bugs are eating as well. Feed it the bad stuff and the bad bugs will grow. Feed it the good, healthy stuff and your good, healthy bugs will thrive and flourish. Soon the good bugs will establish larger colonies and they will over-crowd the space in which the bad bugs can live. There are bad bugs that live with us, but when the good bugs are more abundant, the bag bugs cannot cause us any harm. It is only when the bad bugs are flourishing that they can cause harm and dysbiosis. And the only way they can flourish is by feeding them. Cut to.. your New Food Pyramid.
Your New Food Pyramid is an excerpt from Dr. Steven Lin’s book, The Dental Diet. Dr. Lin recommends most of your plate to be vegetables, herbs, legumes and prebiotic food. Prebiotic food is the food your microbiome eat. Some examples of foods high in prebiotics include chicory root, dandelion greens, leeks and garlic. With every meal, you should also eat something that has actual bacteria in it as well. Foods with good bacteria are Kimchi, Sauerkraut, Yogurt (even though high in sugar. I recommend making your own), Nato, Apple Cider Vinegar, Miso, Tempeh, and Kombucha. Kombucha is highly acidic as well so if you are going to drink Kombucha, don’t sip it. Just drink it fast…but not too fast.
You also want to add 1-2 foods from Dairy, Meat, Fish, Eggs, and Fermented Foods. When choosing Dairy, Meat, and Eggs, you want to choose food that has been pasture-raised. Vitamin K2 has found to be very important in oral health. When animals eat pasture that has been fortified by the sun, they ingest K1. K1 is then converted into K2. But they cannot produce K2 unless they have ingested K1 which comes from grass e.g. Pasture. In my opinion, it is also ok to take K2 supplements. I take
Then you want to cook and flavor your meals with Fats and Oils; nuts, seeds, and spices.
Lastly you want to limit your intake of grains and fruits. Notice that there is no sugar on this food pyramid except from fruit. There is also no processed food. So I suggest. you cut those out. Your body will thank you.
Nitric Oxide (N.O.)
Nitric Oxide is a natural component of the human body and is made from healthy nitrates (not from processed meats like bacon, which is dangerous to the body). Foods high in healthy Nitrates include Beets, Leafy Greens, Nuts, Dark Chocolate, Garlic, and Bananas. I recommend taking a Beets Drink to boost your Nitric Oxide levels naturally.
In studies high Nitric Oxide (N.O.) levels were shown to diminish the levels of bad bacteria in the mouth. Nitric Oxide is also beneficial for heart health by lowering blood pressure and preventing clots. N.O. is also beneficial for brain health and the immune system.
Foods rich in nitrates include:
- red beets
- leafy greens, including arugula (of leafy greens, this has been shown to be the best nitric oxide booster), Swiss chard, spinach and lettuce
- endive
- leeks
- radishes
- celery
- broccoli
- fennel
- Chinese cabbage
- turnips
- cucumbers
- carrots
- cauliflower
- herbs, like parsley and dill
- pomegranate juice
- oranges
- bananas
Tier 1
Tier 2
Limit: Fruits & Grains
The New you! The new Microbiome!
Eat the Rainbow!
Enjoy feeding your good bacteria!
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Your Body and Immune System
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